Chess : The First Move
This interactive session gives you evolution, types, rules and tactics of chess for beginners. Chess is an incredibly beneficial game which results in better brain function, improved memory, cognitive abilities
Bhavyata Foundation presents a webinar for Agriculturists to enhance crop productivity. Bhavyata Foundation, under its initiative, Sowing the Seeds is promoting the ‘Samriddhi’ campaign, to educate and empower farmers for
With International Yoga Day around, Krida Yoga is a program designed for tackling the causes and consequences of sedentary learning, weak emotional resilience, physical incapacities and health challenges in children
Ayurvedic Wisdom Part 2
Ayurveda Wisdom Series provides detailed insights into nearly everything and its effects on our body and mind to revolutionise living and healing.
Ayurvedic Wisdom Part 1
Unravel the mysteries of profound wisdom that are hidden in the unfathomable depths of age-old Ayurveda and how it can change our lives.
Bhavyata Foundation presents a 10 Days Course on. *Dinacharya (दिनचर्या)* - ayurvedic daily routine recommendations and education to live a healthier, happier and longer life free from diseases.
Green Schools Programme Teacher Orientation
Bhavyata Foundation collaborates with Green Schools Programme, an initiative of Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) to promote environmental education in an experiential format in Mumbai.
Bhavyata Foundation in association with Nimyth presents second in the ‘India First Nation Building’ Series - Dissemination of Untold Indian History. A talk on India’s Forgotten Hero from Assam: Lachit