Green Schools Programme Teacher Orientation

Presenting Green Schools Programme Teacher Orientation Workshop. Bhavyata Foundation collaborates with Green Schools Programme, an initiative of Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) to promote environmental education in an experiential format in Mumbai. It is also an environment management system that audits, through students, the consumption of natural resources within school campuses and helps schools become good environmental managers by deploying pragmatic solutions to reduce wastage of precious resources. The objective of the workshops is to build the capacity of teachers or master trainers to conduct the environmental audit through their students. The following issues will be the focus during the orientation :1. Awareness on pollution
2. Water crisis and the solutions: minimising water demand by harvesting rain water and waste water reuse/recycling
3. Solid Waste Management
4. Rating, Analytics and online reporting
5. Use of GSP Audit (in fields of Air, Energy, Food, Land, Water & Waste) in the teaching-learning at classroom level. For: Teachers, Faculty, Environment Enthusiasts and Nature Lovers