
Dincharya Series

Dincharya Series Playlist Cover

The mental and physical well-being of an individual entirely depends on their lifestyle and diet regimen. One of the oldest Indian texts, Ayurveda, contains detailed insights and lays down the norms to be followed by an individual to attain such life. The Dincharya Series is based on these norms and rules. The series gives explicit knowledge about various rules an individual must follow to live a disease-free and healthy life. It sheds light on Ritucharya, the bathing process, the benefits of different spices, vegetables, and fruits, and a discussion on the Ratricharya.

Ayurved Wisdom Series Part 1

Ayurveda is an ocean of profound knowledge and hidden insights about things most of us are unaware of. The Ayurvedic Wisdom Series I aims at unraveling such hidden insights. The series sheds light on Water, Sun, and Diabetes. Each of these topics is discussed with keen depth and with references to a myriad of Ayurvedic texts. We learn the answer to questions such as: What can one do daily to keep our eyes healthy? What to eat and what to not as a diabetic patient? How Sun affects different doshas of our body? And more.


Hunger Free Nation

School Of Sustenance

Sowing The Seeds

Lessons For Life

Bridge For Artisans

India First