With the advent of the twenty-first century and the bombardment of information technology, children must obtain Education beyond basic math and science. Elders must equip children with 21st Century Skills to survive the new age of technology, business, and communication. Bhavyata Foundation undertakes many initiatives for school children to promote experiential and skill-based learning for self-dependence and ability-driven contributions.

Life Skills: Lifeline for 21st-Century Education
Girl Child Empowerment
It’s a unique program for Teenage Girls that deals with different puberty and adolescence issues. Empowering them to handle emotional turbulences during a turbulent puberty phase and engaging in open conversations build confidence to take up challenges at school and in life. ‘Kali to Kusum’ is a flagship girl-empowering workshop to achieve the outcomes above.
Life Skills Curriculum in Schools
Bhavyata Foundation is taking a step towards making the Curriculum of Life Skills available, courtesy: of ‘My Everyday Happy Book’ by CMCA(Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness), along with teacher training and guidance. With replete activity-driven content for age groups(7-12 years), it’s foundational for developing the right abilities for students.
Featured Campaigns

Life Skills Program

Girl Child Empowerment
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