Krida Yog is a holistic wellness program for students to aid physical and cognitive development in formative years (6-15 years).Yog provides training of mind and body to bring emotional balance.

Yog and Recreation
Yog and Recreation
Yog provides training of mind and body to bring emotional balance. It is claimed that yog leads to alignment and harmony. Yog may contribute to healthy development and good mental health; health promotion for children needs to include improvement of their attention, self-esteem, empowerment, and self-regulation. Krida Yog is a well-researched and planned program that combines the art of wellness, joy of recreation and the potential of learning.
Threading the world with goodness
Featured Campaigns
Physical Education
Yog Education
Yog Teacher Training

Physical Education
We teach krida yog to children which are backed with scientific research into these time tested ancient wisdom on child health and wellbeing.

Yog Education For Schools
Krida Yog is a program designed for tackling the causes and consequences of over information, physical and health challenges in children from 6-15 years.

Yog Teacher Training
We have devised a curriculum most relevant especially for schools and communities involving yogic asans, exercises, breathing techniques.
Projects And Campaigns
Your Contribution Counts
Your donations save you money on taxes because all donations to Bhavyata Foundation are eligible for tax-deduction under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.
Yogic Activity For Balance & Focus
Balance of Yoga and Physical Fitness can empower a student to achieve immunity and skill of
Physical Wellness in Schools
Krida Yog is a well-researched and planned program that combines the art of wellness, joy of