Yog for Immunity

Start time June 13, 2020 19:00
Finished Time June 14, 2020 20:00

“Yoga means addition. Addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul”-Amit Ray. Yog for Immunity is a program designed for tackling the causes and consequences of sedentary learning, weak emotional resilience, physical incapacities and health challenges in all age groups Practicing yogic asanas, exercises, breathing techniques, indoor recreational games, in this period of distress, can help people to deal with stress and anxiety, stay in good shape, promote self-healing, improve immunity, bring self-discipline and emotional balance.


Lokesh Chawre

Certified Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist. He specialises in advanced asana and therapy. He expertises in Kids Yoga and also trains school children in an underprivileged school adopted by Bhavyata Foundation