Krida Yog TTC
Krida Yog combines the art of wellness, the joy of recreation and the potential of learning by means of
yogic exercises, subtle body movements and traditional native games. Replete with scientific research
into these time tested ancient wisdom on child health and well being, we have devised an introductory
Recreational Play program involving yogic asans, exercises, recreational games and many value building
conversations for age group 6-11 years.
One can discover more about a person in an hour of play than a year of conversation, says Plato. Also,
Psychologists say that games help us to control our excitement and culture our emotions.
Certified Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist. He specialises in advanced asana and therapy. He expertises in Kids Yoga and also trains school children in an underprivileged school adopted by Bhavyata Foundation