
Start time January 25, 2020 18:00
Finished Time January 25, 2020 20:00
Address Flush Institute of Health and Fitness* 2nd Floor, Laxmi Cooperative Housing Society, Vatcha Gandhi Road, Gamdevi, Behind Westside, Hughes Road, 400007

Bhavyata Foundation in association with Nimyth presents A session on Decolonisation of Indian History- Untold Indian History of last 1500 years. Timelines of History of India describing the Sacrifices of Great Kings and Victorious Resistance to Invasions by Native Indians to Foreign Mercenaries.



Mr. Sandeep Shetty

Independent Researcher and National Activist He is into Real Estate business based out of Mumbai. Apart from his professional engagements, he has passion for study of Indian History and Geopolitics and conducted numerous History sessions for audiences across India.