Eulogising The Brave Hearts On World Humanitarian Day

Every once a while, we can ask ourselves: what are we doing for others? There are millions of people in the world, and I am one of them. What matters in the end is: How I make an impact and to make the world a better place to live. This year has become of the worst crisis facing humanity in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, World Humanitarian Day was formalised in the year 2009 by the UN General Assembly.
This was done to commemorate the demise of Sergio Vieira de Mello and 21 of his fellow humanitarians in a bombing of the Baghdad headquarters of the UN. The day is dedicated to Sergio and several people like him. In addition, they work day and night risking their lives, to make the world a better place, and to stand by the poor. On ‘Eulogising The Brave Hearts On World Humanitarian Day’, we appreciate the courage and toil of the doctors, health-workers, sanitation workers and others like them.
An Introduction And A Ray Of Hope
World Humanitarian Day falls on 19th August, a day to recognise the power of eternal hope. And today it is the day to pay tribute to the ones who sacrifice their own lives for others sake. Bhavyata Foundation is playing a significant role in choosing to serve the underprivileged people. In addition to uplift the rural masses and to facilitate the livelihood of those in dire need.
Bhavyata Foundation has undertaken several projects catering to the society that needs an upliftment. Starting from the eradication of hunger and education of poor children. Additionally, recognition of the dying crafts and the craftsmen. We also work towards de-addicting process of addicted people and developing personal and communal lifestyle. Ranging from socio-cultural to psychological dimensions, Bhavyata Foundation has embraced three nodal keys to its project- Build, Value and Transform. All the initiatives, both urban and rural, have focused on a spectrum of modern-day challenges like Education, Empowerment of the underprivileged, Vocational Training and Skill Development, Fighting against Malnutrition, Development of Organic Farming and so forth. The initiatives include :
❏ Hunger Free Nation
This initiative provides healthy meals to children suffering from malnutrition. Aim at reforming the drug addicts, mitigating hunger and enlisting street children to the mainstream education system. This initiative also focuses on cultivating the skills of poor children.
❏ School of Sustenance
This particular initiative promotes the principles of restoring ecology and sustainability of nature. Aims at saving the goodness of nature. In addition, this initiative focuses on the empowerment of economically unprivileged and ecological celebration of culture as well.
❏ Sowing the Seeds
Collaborating with aware citizens, this initiative undertakes the responsibility of preserving our very own indigenous seeds and breeds of livestock. This initiative sheds light upon the preservation of the Dangi Breeds. And the overall upliftment of the infrastructure and livelihoods of people in remote rural areas. This project takes into account the issue of water conservation as well.
❏ Lessons for Life
This initiative focuses on the education of pre-schoolers for underprivileged children in BMC schools in Mumbai. Aims at ensuring awareness for human development. In addition, it promotes the holistic wellness programme for students to aid physical and cognitive development.
❏ Bridge for Artisans
This exquisite initiative aims to revive the dying arts and crafts of India. This is done by setting up a bridge of recognition between the talented rural artists and the urban platforms. It serves a two-fold purpose, that of promoting the dying art. And developing the livelihoods of the poor, hitherto unrecognized craftsmen.
❏ India First
This initiative eulogises the hitherto undervalued history of India. This project promotes Indian heritage by organising educational and cultural tours. This is done by keeping in mind three key ideas- Discover, Imbibe and Radiate.
Over the past three years, the team of Bhavyata Foundation has been working exquisitely hard to reach out to the remotest of places to stand by underprivileged, impoverished people. In the present crisis of Covid-19 pandemic, Above all, Bhavyata Foundation reached out 10000 families with monthly dry ration kits. To promote handicrafts amongst rural artisans and encourage participation through various exhibitions and events promoting multiple art forms of India, in addition, Bhavyata Foundation partnered with many bamboo artisan clusters to support the tribal artisan guilds making exquisite Bamboo Rakhis.
The focus of the Foundation was always education-centric empowerment and development. According to Mahatma Gandhi, literacy is no education in itself. It is neither the beginning nor the end of education. By education, he meant an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man-body, mind and spirit.” an overall upliftment of a child’s body, mind and spirit. As a result, drawing from child-centric education, Bhavyata Foundation made a meaningful contribution to pedagogy and content-rich experiential teaching methods at the pre-schools.
Beneficiaries And Final Words
One hundred nine students from underprivileged surroundings are receiving benefit from this initiative. Keeping in needs of challenges posed by malnutrition and access to hygiene and sanitation, in addition, Bhavyata Foundation adopted a slum school in Majiwada, Thane. Catering to daily nutritional needs of 110 students in two schools of Navjeevan Prathamik Vidyamandir, it made available daily hot, nutritious lunch meals to all students. Above all, Bhavyata Foundation’s objective to education as all-round development of man and community culminated in a series of educational seminars and training workshops to up-skill human potential.
We undertook the initiative of laying down infrastructure, rural-urban linkages and facilitating access to critical resources in the tribal villages of Thane. As a result, Bhavyata Foundation is continuing to accomplish its aims even in the face of this dangerous pandemic. Training the members of our team and teaching them the core values of the organisation is the backbone of Bhavyata Foundation.
On the eve of World Humanitarian Day, let us bow down to the courage and kindness of the people who are risking their lives, sacrificing their comfort and reaching out to the ones in need even in the face of sheer impossibilities. In addition, Kudos to the humanitarians all over the world for their selfless contributions towards the hitherto unprivileged section of humanity.