Since the onset of COVID19 in 2020 and the resultant closure of schools, millions of disadvantaged kids were left behind owing to a lack of computer and internet access. To close this digital learning gap, we present a robust and accessible online education system for instructors, parents, and students. Learning Management System with Digital courses, interactive learning tools, assessment-based activities, and outcome-based learning shall be enabled with support of technology.

AARAMBH Learning Management Systems

Teacher and Parent Training
Features of Teacher training to enhance deliverables as per NEP2020 objectives of Early Childhood Care and Education.

Child Centric Pedagogy
In a child-centered preschool, the focus is on planning lessons based on children’s interests and learning through play.

Multilingual & Native Language Approac
Early schooling in a child’s mother tongue can improve learning, increase student participation and reduce the number of dropouts.

Creativity & Fun Learning
Play and hands-on experiences are some of the best approaches for learning because of a greater ability to process information.