Swasthya Samvad – Orientation for School Administrations and Parents on Child Wellness and Immunity
Are you ready to send your child back to school after lockdown? A severe deficit of physical activity, over-exposure to the internet, and indisciplined diet regimes are the undesirable outcomes of resultant lockdowns. A reboot, therefore, before they begin attendance at schools is a must.
Session Information
On 4th September 2021, 9-10.30 am, Under our ‘Lessons for Life’ initiative, Bhavyata Foundation will host a webinar on ‘Swasthya Samvad’ by Vaidya Shri Suvinay Damle. We welcome all interested School Principals, Teachers, and Parents to the above session. (For children, ages 10 to 18 years) Language: Hindi
We need a few minutes to fill out below survey cum registration form to help you understand your problems better and provide long-term solutions to improve child immunity.
Ayurvedic Diet for Children – Prakrti wise diet helps build resistance and resilience.
Herbs and Formulas – To support Agni(the digestive fire) and clear excess Kapha from the system.
The Importance of Digestion – Ayurveda regards digestion as the very cornerstone of health.
The Importance of Routine – Maintaining a strong level of physical activity with supportive lifestyle choices.
Healthy Sleeping Habits – Consistent sleep routines foster health.
Healthy Eating Routines – Children do best when their bodies can rely on healthy diet regimes and routines.
Healthy Lifestyle Habits – It will generally benefit kids to cultivate consistency and predictability regarding lifestyle.
Mindfulness and Meditation for Children – Prioritizing these practices indeed has a long-term impact.